Parents » SCC/Community Involvement

SCC/Community Involvement

The SCC plays an important role in the education system in Hawaii. Comprised of 6 components (principal, teachers, non-certificated staff, students, parents and community members), the SCC works to advise the principal about matters that help to improve student achievement and school performance.

SCC Members (50% School Staff, 50% Parents, Students, Community):

School Staff

James Suster, Principal

Arleen Bourcier, Teacher

Lori Takemoto, Clerk


Parent, Community, and Students

Allison Roeder, Parent

Morgan Castro, Community

Kylee B. & Chase K. (Albert W. - Alternate)



School Year 2023-2024 Meeting Schedule

Who - Everyone is invited

Where / When - Library @ 245



• October 3, 2023

• December 14, 2023

• March 7, 2024
•April 4, 2024

•May 16, 2024


Click here to see the agenda & minutes for sy 2023-2024

Click here to see the agenda & minutes for sy 2022-2023