Technology is constantly changing in our world as well as at Pearl City Elementary School. Our school currently houses a full iMac Lab in our Computer/Tech. Media Center adjacent to the library. The entire campus houses wired and wireless technology. All of our classes are equipped with a digital presenter, digital projector, wireless mic system and computers. Electronic whiteboards are utilized in our library and some classrooms.
Students are challenged by many supplemental online curricular resources.
PCES List of Current Tech. Programs with links
Technology Resources for Distance Learning
How to guides for connecting our devices:
iPad Troubleshooting
Can't seem to open links on a page? Try turning off the pop-up blocker in the browser apps.
Login to i-Ready, Achieve3000, TeenBiz, Smarty Ants, STEMscopes, BrainPop and BrainPop, Jr. is through the Clever app.
Google Classroom Help
(special thanks to gr. 3 teacher, Ms. Okouchi for creating "Google Classroom Basics" & "Google Meet Rules"; and to Kasey Bell at for "Google Classroom Cheat Sheet")
Student/Parent Continuity of Learning - HIDOE