With a staff of 39, and an enrollment of 1,027 students in grade K-8, Pearl City Elementary School (PCES) opened its doors on September 4th, 1956 under the direction of Principal Gladys Hashimoto. Today, PCES is one of the oldest of the eight elementary schools in the Leeward District’s Pearl City Complex. Principal Dr. Susan Hirokane, and a dedicated staff of 85, serves a diverse population of 500-plus students in grades Pre-6, with students coming from both the civilian and military communities.
In 1961, the curriculum consisted of Language arts, Arithmetic, Social Studies, Science, Health and Safety, Physical Education, Music, Garden and Shop. Our curriculum continues to nurture the academic, social, and physical development of the children. Today, PCES offers a balanced education in addition to traditional modes of instruction. Resource teachers in music, computer technology, and library media programs provide a wide array of enrichment lessons so that students have a well rounded education. PCES also offers various extracurricular activities such as, the school’s chorus (Na Leo NaheNahe O’ Pu’uloa), Student Council, Campus Safety Officers (CSO), Positive Action Club (PAC), Math Team, and Book Club.
In 2006, Pearl City Elementary became the first elementary school in Hawaii to become a NASA Explorer School which provided many opportunities in the field of STEM-G (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Geography). As a NASA Explorer Alumni School, PCES students continue to receive curriculum which focuses on STEM-G instruction. NASA professional developments provide PCES teachers training on how to continually improve STEM-G instruction. Specialists also share their expertise by actively engaging students in hands-on project-based lessons; such as LEGO Robotics, multi-media Distance Learning technology projects, and basic engineering design projects. The school-wide science curriculum focuses on developing learning Science as Inquiry.
Pearl City Elementary was awarded full accreditation status from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges in 2015 and 2022. The PCES community continues to provide a positive atmosphere to help each child develop his or her highest potential and to be life long learners. Pearl City Elementary School, “Positive Caring Education for Students”