Caryn Nunokawa » Links


This is where Ms. Nunokawa's distance learning will take place. Be sure to join all three Room 15 Homeroom classes (Math, Novel Study, and ELA).
This site provides a way for students to record video responses to a given question. The link will bring you to the main page. If your student would like to view the Class Page, please have him/her leave me a comment on the thread on the Room 15 Math page in Google Classroom.
Site will take children to the main login site for i-Ready.
Students complete different types of articles for comprehension and writing practice.
Excellent art site for children! It's a YouTube channel where the artist teaches children how to draw different objects.
Children will need to find their school and log in with their 10-digit ID code. This will allow them to browse through different ebooks and borrow them for two weeks.
Have your child sign up for the Spring Reading Challenge!