Students » At Home Learning

At Home Learning

Please keep a log/journal of all the things you are doing so you can share your learnings with your teacher e.g. date / what I did today...


Lower grades –
- Practice counting on, counting back given a random number – 54, 55, 56 or 25,24,23
- Skip count by 2's, 5's, 3's
- Memorize the answer to addition doubles e.g. 1+1, 2+2, 3+3 etc
- Memorize the answer to doubles + 1 e.g. 1+2, 2+3, 3+4
- Memorize the answers to the fact families e.g. 9+8=17, 8+9= 17, 17-9=8, 17-8=9
- Play with puzzles
- Create word problems and have someone try to figure it out
- Hopscotch Math
- Play addition war (Just like the card game but each pack is won by whom ever can get the sum of the cards first. Note - picture cards are worth 10, ace is worth 1

Upper Grades-
- Memorize the times table
- Memorize the division facts
- Show your child how to balance a check book
- Practice making change eg if something costs $.55 and you pay with a dollar how much change do you get? Can you give the change using the least amount of coins?

- Create word problems and have someone try to figure it out

- Practice measurement using your body parts. Ask - which is greater- arm span or height, etc.??  Make predictions then use a string to measure or guess what the measurement is and use a tape measure to check


- Read aloud to your child
- Have your child read to you
- Tell stories orally – share what it was like growing up, talk about your favorite memories etc
- Review spelling words
- Review sight words
- Have your child keep a diary of what life is like during this historic time
- Play word games likes scrabble, mad libs, etc
- Have your child write a summary of a TV show that they watched
- Identify what is the main idea of a TV show
- Have your child keep a TV log and record unfamiliar words heard or seen each week.  Help your child figure out the meaning of the words or look them up in a dictionary when you can.

- Label items and parts of your home, ie.- table, window, chair, bed
- Create a vocabulary  list of all the things you can find in your home that begin with the letter, T","B", etc.

- Write a poem, add lyrics and melody~you now have a song!

- Teach your child how to cook, look at the measurements and adjust them for ½ the recipe, double the recipe etc.
- Play strategy games like chess, connect 4, battleship, tic tac toe, cards games, etc.
- Twenty Questions
- Use your body to create letters that make up a word.  Have someone figure out what the word is.
- Create a weather chart(graph) by checking on the weather each day at around the same time, then write a summary statement from your findings.

- Compare and contrast cereal labels on cereal boxes. Which is healthier and why?

- Hand-washing dance choreography- choreograph a short dance routine incorporating the different ways we're recommended to wash our hands (scrubbing nails, between fingers, etc). Write out the hand washing steps as a “How to Paper.” Use transitions like first, next, etc.

- Soundtrack of my life - create an imaginary album that shows who you are. Make a list of song titles, and for each song describe the music- come up with your own imaginary songs or find existing songs that would describe your personality/ life. Design an album cover to go with it.

- Conduct interviews – What is your favorite child hood memory? What was hard for you, how did you get past it? etc. Use the information to write an informational essay and look for photographs or draw pictures to go with your essay.

- Make a hop scotch and number each block with math facts eg count by 5’s (5, 10, 15, 20 etc)
- Jump rope as a family. Keep track of how much each person can jump. Add it up, find the mean, median, mode
- Do letter art – on a blank piece of paper write each letter of the alphabet in capital letters. Rotate and spin the letters to add interest. Color in the spaces when you are done.

- Do gardening, yard work, or chores – children benefit by learning patience, perseverance, and simply contributing to the family.